The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain

iSTOP's role is transitioning to

UBC Gunn IMS Program – Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia

If you are experiencing an URGENT Medical Emergency
or require Critical Patient Care

9-1-1       Telephone immediately

8-1-1        Nurse Hotline (if you are seeking Non-Urgent Medical Guidance)

T-9-1-1   Send a TEXT message if you are registered as part of the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) community in Canada

                   Click here to register as DHHSI

START HERE ~ QUICK Introduction to Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) ~ Start Here

Dashboard - Patient Guide - Fact Sheet - Wayfinder - FAQ


Quick Guide patient clinic information pamphlet
Online version translated into 100+ languages

Directory to help patients seeking treatment for pain and other chronic conditions find a practitioner, and for students, practitioners and researchers to find collaborative partners

Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation Certification Courses
Courses based on Dr. Gunn's modality for IMS / Dry Needling are held internationally
and are open to medical doctors and physiotherapists

The Gunn Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Pain: Intramuscular Stimulation for Myofascial Pain of Radiculopathic Origin

Several languages available


WHOIS Dr. Gunn?
Founder and president of iSTOP


JOB BOARD - Active Employment Listings for SEEKERS & POSTERS


Sign up for newsletters to receive email notifications on upcoming lectures, events,  general news and research

iSTOP - The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain

Introduction to Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) - Start Here

Dashboard - Patient Guide - Fact Sheet - Wayfinder - FAQ


Thank you for your interest in Dr. Gunn’s modality of intramuscular stimulation. On behalf of iSTOP we wish the best for your health as well as your family members and acquaintances worldwide.

About iSTOP

The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain (iSTOP) is a not-for-profit organization established in 1994. Dr. C Chan Gunn is the founder and president.CC Gunn Profile

In April 2013, iSTOP transitioned into an administrative entity. The iSTOP patient care clinic closed and the teaching and research was endowed to the University of British Columbia. iSTOP no longer operates a patient clinic, yet office remains open as an information center for Gunn IMS. 

Please visit our two websites for more details about GunnIMS, a resource for both patients, medical practitioners, researchers and students of physiology.

iSTOP Website

Please note that the legacy website is no longer being updated. IMS has been in existence for nearly fifty years, yet the information om the "old" website is still current and valid.

Legacy Website 
Sun-setted website. thousands websites on the have backlinks to the legacy website, please reset it to this site instead. Efforts to restore the legacy site have been a challenge during the shifting sands of time and web security due diligence.


List view of all iSTOP’s web pages, side by side link directory.
We are working to merge five decades of website material. Check here for any gaps in service.


GunnIMS Certified Practitioners 

There are 1000’s of practitioners that have been trained in Gunn IMS, especially in Vancouver, BC (where it all began), and in Alberta. As courses are now being offered in other reaching Canadian provinces, access to care will expand. 

Access to Care - Practitioner Search

No referral is necessary to initiate treatment, and wait times are usually minimal.

Search for a Gunn IMS practitioner through two directories. Please note that the directories only display practitioners who are active members. Not all maintain a membership as they may be fully booked and unable to accept new patients.

To search and contact a CGIMS certified practitioner directly, please click the link below.

If you require assistance Contact iSTOP administrator.

There are two official directories for Gunn IMS Practitioners:

iSTOP Practitioner Member Directory INTERNATIONAL

UBC Practitioner Member Directory CANADA

Due to regulatory compliance per country / province / state, you will find that practitioners are either Physiotherapists or Medical Doctors. 


Most of the practitioners treating with IMS in Canada are physiotherapists and may come from a sports medicine background. Some specialize in specific conditions i.e. pelvic girdle, sports injury, post surgery, thoracic, etc. You may find a few MD’s in Canada also, but they usually take the course for research purposes and out of diagnostic interest.
related links per provincial zone


 In the USA, all Gunn IMS practitioners are MDs, according to state compliance.

related links per state zone


Dr. Gunn’s modality of treatment may be found internationally.

related links per country zone

Way Finder Map - Find a Practitioner

The way finder map (outdated) may also be of assistance in finding a clinic more conveniently located near to your home or work.

We are working on integrating further with Google Maps, please bear with us with our manually produced map.

Wayfinder Map


Medical Services Plan of BC

Fees for IMS comes under Non-MSP Medical Services, therefore IMS treatments are not currently covered by MSP in BC.

Extended Health Insurance

Extended health insurance does cover for IMS.

Please refer to your policy for coverage, IMS may be claimed under two categories:


With the many recent changes to MSP and extended health company coverages, please refer to your service provider's guide.
ie "MSP pays $23 towards the cost of any appointment up to 10 appts per calendar year"
Fee coverage also depends on whether your practitioner has enrolled with MSP for direct billing.

MSP (MSC) Medical Services Commission (Plan) BC

MSP Payment Schedules / Forms

If MSP coverage is required, there is another treatment option available, relatively close to IMS.
Trigger Point Injections (TrP) use a similar approach to IMS however the type of needles used are different:
Injectable hollow needles (passive wet saline solution) vs dry needles (fine filament acupuncture type).
TrP treatments are covered by MSP when administered by an MD.

Patient Resources

Simple four (4) page clinic handout brochure entitled "What is Gunn IMS?" is available in print for English 
as well as several languages for digital sharing.

100+ Language Translations
"What is IMS?"

Pain Patient Tool Box

Terminology, definitions, glossary, interactive tools, charts, referred pain patterns, anatomy videos, etc.


Testimonials – Patient & Practitioner

We thank all who have submitted feedback in regards to their experience with GunnIMS, we look forward to seeing yours.
Submissions from patients and practitioners


Collection of video recordings of lectures, interviews, what to expect at your first treatment, the science behind IMS, testimonials.
Audio visual based learning.



Social Media

We have also been posting information to social media platforms for easy access and sharing, a casual perspective.
Facebook, Twitter, provides a historical log of posts, events, etc.
LinkedIn professional platform may help you find a clinic or practitioner internationally (for travel), search "Gunn IMS" 

Media Network

Practitioner Resources

Dr. Gunn has published many books, articles, research papers, clinical trials, etc

They have been cited in several languages, cross many medical disciplines, and scopes of practice. wiki

Database spreadsheet of cited published works.
CC Gunn Cites

Dr. Gunn’s “Red Book” is prerequisite reading material for many international dry needling courses.

This book is currently under revision.

ADD: 3rd edition to your watchlist 

The Gunn Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Pain:
Intramuscular Stimulation for Myofascial Pain of Radiculopathic Origin

Steve Goodman MD and Cory Choma PT chapter 15 about Gunn IMS in the book “Triggerpoint Dry Needling”



Since 2013 the courses and research are under the care of the University of British Columbia.

At the UBC Vancouver BC Campus the course is offered in two parts:
  1. Part 1 - four days of in-person theoretical and practical training.
  2. Part 2 - three additional in-person days (held approximately three months after Part 1). 

For all other Canada province locations the course is offered in three parts:
  1. Part 1A - self-paced and completed online.
  2. Part 1B - two in-person practical training days.
  3. Part 2 - two further in-person practical training days (held approximately six weeks after Part 1).

For perspective regarding certification and practitioner previous skill set and training see course attendee requirements.

UBC Course Prerequisites

Courses based on Dr. Gunn's modality are also held in Washington USA, as well as internationally.

Although not officially sponsored by iSTOP, international entities offer courses based on Dr. Gunn’s modality with the Red Book as a prerequisite reading.

Contact iSTOP for for updated list of International Course Providers

The Future for Gunn IMS

As of April 2013, teaching and research has been endowed to UBC.
UBC website 

This UBC facility supports leading-edge research and clinical training in physical activity and exercise medicine by the UBC Division of Sports Medicine and School of Kinesiology.
Chan Gunn Pavilion.

Closing Remarks

Thank you for visiting us…

Please feel free to share this webpage to anyone who may benefit while traversing the road to recovery from musculoskeletal pain or other chronic medical conditions.

If you have any difficulty navigating the directory or wish further assistance in any regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Should there be a delay in our response, please see the frequently asked questions page.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ FAQ Legacy

The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain

Contact iSTOP


iSTOP's role is transitioning to
UBC Gunn IMS Program – Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
For further information and inquiries please visit:

Our gratitude goes out to all iSTOP legacy members and public donors since 1994.

Thanks to you Gunn intramuscular stimulation information resources are freely available to
the public, for patients & their family members, health advocates, pain researchers and enthusiasts alike.

Gunn IMS "points" the way!

2024 © The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain ( iSTOP )
Not for Profit Organization
Charity #89159 8575 RR0001

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